Abhijit – Principial Digital, Stuttgart
As a principal at 4flow’s software consulting, I am responsible for setting up and expanding our SAP field of work. I work on a wide range of IT and organizational topics related to digital supply chain transformation with SAP. What interests me in particular is working with customers to address all the different challenges in supply chain management and helping them prepare for the issues that will develop with time. I like to familiarize myself with new topics and I enjoy working on new products and services that can offer our customers ever greater benefits.
In my professional life, I have been able to gain a wide range of experience, and at 4flow I can apply and make use of everything I've learned and experienced so far. The great thing about 4flow for me is that I am challenged with new topics daily. 4flow has many experts working in different teams that are happy to share their knowledge, and this provides me with the opportunity to grow and learn every day.
In my opinion, there are three words that describe 4flow very well: focus, fun and future. First, we focus on our vision and strategy. Then, we have fun – due not only to the good relationships with team members and customers, but because we spend time with one another and celebrate our successes together. And we are future-oriented – shaping our future and that of our customers.